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Vince Anello 14 Week Deadlift Program Spreadsheet


  • February 23, 2020 – Fixed mix up between pin squats and partial deadlifts. Thanks to a reader for pointing out the misinterpretation via the contact form.
  • July 29, 2019 – Fixed permissions for the spreadsheet. You should be able to make a copy of it now. Apologies for any inconvenience.

This is a spreadsheet for Vince Anello’s 14 week deadlift program.

A detailed explanation of the program written by Vince Anello in 1983 can be found here.

Some unique parts of this deadlift program:

  • Deadlifts from the knee (i.e. “partial deadlifts from the knee”) are programmed
  • Every minute on the minute (EMOM) deadlift singles are programmed every other week
  • Vince Anello used partial squats as back off work after his main squat work, but they are not programmed here – this is a deadlift only program. This technique is described in more detail below the spreadsheet.

Anello recommends using lat pulldowns, bent over rows, and shrugs as deadlifts accessories, done twice per week. He would typically perform these movements using one working set to failure. For lats he would take 2 seconds on the concentric portion of the movement, hold for 2 seconds at peak contraction, then allow 4 seconds for the eccentric (negative) portion of the movement.

I’d really recommend checking out the full article to understand best.

Vince Anello Deadlift Program Spreadsheet

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Vince Anello Deadlift Program | LiftVault.com

How Vince Anello Used Partial Squats

From the source article, Vince described how he used partial squats as back off work after his main squat sets. Again, these are not part of the spreadsheet but you may find it helpful to incorporate this training tip into your regular squat training.

“After regular squats, I set the pins on the power rack so that when I touch the pins the angle of my leg bend is approximately the same as the start of my deadlift. The same foot stance should also be used as in the deadlift. For, that is close! Lower the weight slowly to the pin, touching the pin but not resting on it, and perform three reps in the same manner. I recommend 3 sets of 3. The weight used is relative to the structure of the individual. I do this exercise after my squats and add from 30 to 50 pounds more than my top squat for the day. This may have to be modified to suit the individual’s strength, weaknesses, and structure. I would recommend this only be done once a per week.”

Other tips from Vince Anello:

  • Do not deadlift and squat on the same day early in your training cycle, as this is quite taxing on the lower back.
  • You can transition to deadlifting and squatting on the same day later in the training cycle to help simulate competition conditions.


The post Vince Anello 14 Week Deadlift Program Spreadsheet appeared first on Lift Vault.

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